Recalled by Cotton
“Only God knows my story,” Mary has told me often. “No one knows your story but God.” She calls me the other afternoon. “Katrina, are
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
“Only God knows my story,” Mary has told me often. “No one knows your story but God.” She calls me the other afternoon. “Katrina, are
October 13, 2018 I was standing by my kitchen window preparing cachupa. (I had read about it in my research that day. Cachupa is the
A new Monday column? Maybe, because I have so many great lines from Mary. Here are a few on this wonderful summer Monday, in case
“It’s April 19. It’s been over a month since we had a natural disaster,” I said to Marnell Thursday night. “Or a garage sale.” By
If you were at our wedding, I apologize that I didn’t ask you for permission to post some candid shots. But don’t panic: MG3 Photography,
“Yes, he called me,” Mary told me over the phone. I was driving home from work. He being Marnell’s brother Darrell, a plumber. “I am