Thanksgiving Thoughts: Snapping Turtle Skills, Audiobook Just Released (!) And a 20-50% off Sale!
Last week, we had our neighbor Chris over for an evening meal as we often do. I also invited our neighbor Janice. I didn’t really
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Last week, we had our neighbor Chris over for an evening meal as we often do. I also invited our neighbor Janice. I didn’t really
I listen to audiobooks all the time while folding laundry, driving, or doing dishes. The dishes get done so much faster this way, and the miles disappear more rapidly!
This concept has given me a framework for something that I already understood but had not been practicing. Recording makes all the difference. I don’t feel like I hear God’s voice plainly every time I listen. But the discipline has taught me to wait on God instead of rushing through a prayer.
None of these things were about Amish cooking or Amish romance novels or Amish witchcraft. After the pressures, politics, and hypocrisy of Washington, Tom found the Amish to be authentic Christian people living out their beliefs, and they changed his life.