The Lost Document – The Beginning of Our Love Story
Just for Valentine’s Day – a re-run of the first blog I posted mentioning Marnell. And, since we met at an event where he was
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Just for Valentine’s Day – a re-run of the first blog I posted mentioning Marnell. And, since we met at an event where he was
“Can I practice starting an IV on you tonight?” I text Marnell the other day. I think his response is best shown in picture form.
I’ve been thinking a lot about listening recently. If you’ve been on the home page of my website, you’ve seen the new graphics that capture
December 2, 2017– our wedding day. Mel, our photographer, was taking shots of us at the depot, when we heard the blast of a train
If you were at our wedding, I apologize that I didn’t ask you for permission to post some candid shots. But don’t panic: MG3 Photography,
In Chicago for shopping and the Messiah… Fresh pecans from Marnell’s cousin! Elkhart church Christmas dinner… My handsome husband driving me to Virginia for Christmas