Voices of Survival Interview with French Press Podcast – Violence, and One Thing Everyone Can Do

As we discuss on the podcast below, Voices of Survival suggests that there is one way that everyone can respond to the trauma in the world – by listening.

Besides being something that everyone can do, listening may be one of the most effective things to do. Listening reminds us that we are all humans made in the image of God, desperately in need of a Savior. Listening makes us ache for the pain and loss of others, especially if they don’t know Jesus. And listening offers dignity to the storyteller, reminding them that they matter.

I was delighted and honored to again be a guest on the French Press Podcast to talk about Voices of Survival podcast. Their clean humor and food and coffee rating skills are truly refreshing. Enjoy!


Thank you to those who already have subscribed! We plan to post an episode tomorrow starring our neighbor Mary Jackson, who grew up in the Deep South.

Also, if you missed the details on the introduction post, including why the podcast is not free and why it is classified as adult content, go here. Here is the basic description:

“Voices of Survival” shares, in their own voices, 

the stories of people in our Brady Street, Elkhart neighborhood,

who have survived difficult times.

You provide dignity by listening to their stories.

But the stories will provide you with something too:

a sense of gratitude for the childhood that you had,

and a sense of compassion for those who have not had it.



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