Tuesday Tips: One More Thing

Tuesday, 1-8-19

I promise I will stop beating this dead horse, but let me tell you one more thing that I put on my list of 100 Dreams that I am glad I did in 2018.

Learned to wash dishes more. 


It went like this. We were listening to a book about minimalism by Joshua Becker.  Mr. Becker said that one part of minimalism is reducing clutter. And if you don’t want clutter in the kitchen, don’t leave dishes in the sink. Like, not ever. It doesn’t take that long to wash a few dishes, he said.

Now, I know those of you who have raised or are raising large families are probably rolling your eyes right now. How can a couple with no children even have any dishes? you might be asking. 

Well, we do. But maybe because we don’t have that many I would sometimes leave them in the sink to be washed later with a larger batch. After hearing his recommendation, I decided to try his suggestion. 

It turns out, he’s right. It doesn’t take long. Less than a minute sometimes. Now, when we are getting ready to eat, or I’m cooking, I fill the sink with a little water and soap.  As I cook, I throw things into the water. When we’re done eating, I throw things into the water. Then I either wash them quickly or sometimes put them in the dishwasher. 

I’m sure this sounds trivial, but it’s really been revolutionary for me. My new rule is that there are only dirty dishes in my kitchen if I am in the kitchen. 

Oops. I literally just remembered while writing this that I threw two breakfast bowls into my water before I came to write this blog and promptly forgot them. I guess it’s good to stay humble, but ta-ta. I have to go take care of my two bowls.

Addendum: This was going to be my only weekday post, until about 1 pm Monday when SOMETHING happened. So this week there will be an additional column called What Not to Do Wednesday.



10 thoughts on “Tuesday Tips: One More Thing”

  1. Ah Katrina, that is so funny. When Greg and I married we lived in a studio apt with a murphy bed. And an 18″ counter between the sink and the refrig. None by the stove. The bed was a cinch to make and the dishes were a must!!! When we sat at the drop leaf table one of us sat on the arm of the love seat and the other on the only chair and we couldn’t open the door. We did have indoor plumbing though!!! We are still minimalist just not quite so much as that.

  2. We really enjoyed that book and because of it and other inspiration, our house is enjoying the declutter too. โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

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