The Return of the Puzzle PJs

You may recall my recent post about parting ways with a favorite pair of pajamas. Now, if you have no sentimental attachment to “things” you may not understand my struggle. All I can say is, those puzzle PJs stuck with me for a decade or more. They contain memories in each thread.

That’s why I went and pulled them back out of the wastebasket an hour after I had put them in.

Many of you gave me great advice about what to do with the puzzle PJs.

A baby blanket, burp cloths, framed art, ribbons, pillows, and cleaning rags.

My big problem? I do know how to sew. But there’s a difference between someone who sews to get by and a seamstress who knows what to do with odd materials. So I feared that if I tried to make something with the pajama remains, I would just further destroy them.

Finally, a local reader and friend suggested transforming the puzzle PJs to a nap pillow.

Rhoda: Maybe those special jammies could make a cozy nap pillow.

Me: Great idea! Any idea who I can hire to transform it? I’m afraid I’ll wreck it if I try it myself. 🙂

You guessed it. Despite her struggles with eyesight, Rhoda offered to take on the project. By the way, I’m sure I was right to give them to an expert. She said it was a bit difficult to manage because of the crooked seams in the old garment. I’m pretty sure I would have wrecked it.

Instead, it went from…

To this!

Trying the items out on my childhood doll.
And here they are in the new bassinet.


  • Here is a recent draft of the cover for Book One of The Brady Street Boys, Trapped in the Tunnel. Thanks to email group respondents who gave suggestions! (If you missed the intro to this series, here’s the post.)
  • Just a reminder that after giving birth (in about five weeks, according to my math) I will probably take a break from this public format for a month or so. I hope to give a few updates along the way by email. If you wish to receive those, make sure you are signed up and have the emails moved to your primary inbox folder.

I’ve got some crucifixion/resurrection thoughts stirring in my head for next Saturday, right before Easter. It remains to be seen if they will come out in a cohesive form. Have a great week!



15 thoughts on “The Return of the Puzzle PJs”

  1. Hey, if you still need more readers for your new books, I would be interested! 🙂 I have three younger siblings close to this age bracket.

  2. Dawn Harshbarger

    Rhoda did a great job with the puzzle PJs make over! I love it! And I’d love to read your books even tho I don’t fit in the age bracket.

  3. Hi! I just finished reading From the White House to the Amish to my 5th and 6th graders, and they loved it.
    I think I would be interested in using your books for read-a-louds. We have only five more weeks left, but I think we would get one or two books read. And they sound like the kind of books my students would really enjoy!

    1. Katrina Hoover Lee

      Hello! I’m glad your students like From the White House to the Amish! Since your comment is anonymous, I can’t contact you, but if you email me I can work on getting the draft to you!

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those puzzle PJ transformations!! : ) GREAT JOB RHODA! I understand all too well the struggle between eyesight issues and wanting to create. Used to sew 5 dresses in one day, now it takes me 5 days to sew one. : (

  5. I have two 8 year-old grandsons who LOVE to read! I don’t even need to ask, I KNOW they’d be MORE THAN HAPPY to HELP!!

  6. I have a son who fits this age group who will be very willing to read the new book. Books disappear around him about the same speed as food!

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