Well, I think “real” authors are supposed to “advertise” their books months ahead of time, etc, etc.
I’ve been raising boys (and eating pastries).
But, I am excited about Captain Garrison’s imminent arrival. The story is still in my head and heart. I’m hoping I was able to put it on the page in such a way that you will enjoy it. I hope you will also be blessed and inspired. But I can’t know the answers to those hopes until the book is in your hands!
And, how do you like these cute matching bookmarks?
Wait, you say–we haven’t seen the cover, so how do we know if the bookmark matches?
Oops. Ah yes! Hmmm… I think real authors are supposed to do “cover reveals” six months before release.
Well, how about six days?
Stay tuned. I’ll share the official Captain Garrison cover tomorrow, barring natural disasters, sugar coma, or the styrofoam airplane that’s been flying around the house knocking me out.
I think I’ll give away a free copy of the almost-here Captain Garrison, tomorrow as well. It will be mailed to the winner after the shipment arrives.
See you tomorrow! And happy first day of October!
12 thoughts on “October! It’s Captain Garrison Month!”
Love reading your posts. Can only imagine how fun it will be to read your book!
Hurray for you!
Yea! for you!
Thank you!
That’s a book I want to read!
I hope you enjoy it!
Yay! So super excited about reading it! Can’t wait.
That is fantastic! I always admire how you knock out great pieces of writing amid the busyness of life. Makes me jealous thinking how awesome it must feel to reach the end of a hard-fought write and get the final product in your hands!
Thanks, it’s definitely fun to see the new book arrive!
So when do we get to put our order in for 1 copy? 🙂
I’ll post the link as soon as I get one! 😀