Last Minute Drawing: Faces

Update: drawing has ended. Congrats to Janel Hartman in Facebook comments and Carolyn Yoder in blog comments. Send me an email at or private message with your address ASAP so I can get them in the mail!

I just realized that it is almost Christmas, and I’ve given nothing away, and possibly if I do it right now, I can get a gift to the winner before Christmas. 

In this book, you will find enjoy full color, full page photos by Rosetta Byers side by side with my quotes from the person in the photo: memories of the war in Syria, reflections on life as a refugee, or dreams for the future. Many of the characters are children. For that reason, Faces of Syria has been a proven winner with children (and adults I think!) since TGS International published it three years ago. 

In 2015, when Rosetta and I sat at our kitchen table in Jerusalem designing the book at break-neck speed, we thought the war might soon be over. Sadly, we were wrong. On page 85, you will find a woman recounting her memories of the Christmas holiday (or lack of it) during the war.

Leave a comment telling me who you know who would enjoy looking at this book–it doesn’t mean you have to give it to them, of course! You can say “my nephew”, “my daughter”, “my husband”, “my grandma”, etc, if you would rather not use real names. If you are leaving your comment on the blog, please give me enough information to allow me to contact you for your address if you win. I will end the giveaway tomorrow morning with a drawing to decide the winner, and promptly put the book in the mail in hopes of getting it to you by Christmas Eve.

Best wishes in the drawing and Merry Christmas! 

Also available at TGS International or on Amazon

P. S. Thanks for your interest and support for the Monday Merchant blog.  I especially appreciate those of you who interacted by signing up for our Christmas card. I placed the order this morning, but I’m not sure that the cards will arrive before Christmas. I apologize for my tardiness.

I have also edited the merchant post to correct a mistake about the address service. I did not realize that Basic Invite charged for stamps in addition to the address service charge. This makes sense– I was wondering how they could do it without– but I wrote it as if the stamp was included.  I certainly don’t want any false information in my posts. Thank you for your understanding!



57 thoughts on “Last Minute Drawing: Faces”

  1. My siblings! 🙂 Thanks so much for the inspiration your blog brings to everyone!! Merry Christmas! ilovethcountry16{at}gmail{dot}com

  2. Sharon Brubacher

    I’ve silently enjoyed your blog for a long time . . . Thank you so much for sharing parts of your story here!
    I’d love to give a copy of your book to my surrogate nieces, ages 12 and 10, who have been on the mission field with their family.

  3. I’m a newcomer to this blog, as far as comments go😊 but I’ve been enjoying your blog posts for a while! Keep it up!! My little students would enjoy the book and so would their teacher😉

  4. Christine Martin

    Bless you for your blog and for doing a freebie. I am sure anyone who gets it will enjoy it! If I got it I would set it out to share with my visitors who already like to look through another photo book I have, and of course my husband and I would like to read it!

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