How the Very Fun Day Got Even More Fun

Well, I was rushing around yesterday, preparing for the book launch of Captain Garrison, thinking the day could not possibly get any more interesting.

Then, I stepped on the porch and checked the mailbox, and what do you think was in there?

Okay, hang on. Let me take care of some business first before I pick up that thought. I am hopelessly behind on what I told you I would do. I am formulating a plan to answer all the great questions I received but it just didn’t happen last night. We had a very fun time at Light of Grace Bookstore in Nappanee, despite frigid conditions and pouring rain. It was great to see those of you who made it there!

Winner of Captain Garrison

Marnell did manage to video the drawing for the free copy of Captain Garrison.

It was….Emma from! See her fascinating website here about her family’s life in New Zealand. And guess what? If you read her post, you will see that yesterday, when she won the free copy of Captain Garrison, was her birthday. How cool is that? Happy Birthday, Emma!

I will answer the question Emma asked to be entered into the drawing. She asked who published the book, and then added, “I’m hoping CLP will be selling it, because they charge less postage than most places to send things here!” Well, Emma, you won’t have to worry about that now, since the book will be coming straight to your home in New Zealand from Elkhart, Indiana!

In answer though, the book is published by TGS International, a subsidiary of Christian Aid Ministries. They have a special “New Arrival” page for Captain Garrison, which you can see here. Also, CLP, or Christian Light Publications, often carries my books as well (see here), although usually a little later than TGS. I also expect to see it on Amazon shortly, and I plan to share that link. For anyone who wonders, Marnell and I do not currently sell them ourselves except in select circumstances, since we don’t have a business license currently. Marnell tells me it wouldn’t be hard to do, so maybe we will eventually.

So anyway.

The mailbox.

What to my wondering eyes should appear, direct from Puerto Rico?

You guessed it!


(See last week’s post if you don’t understand the significance of this. Footage to follow. 😀)



8 thoughts on “How the Very Fun Day Got Even More Fun”

  1. Thank you! I sure didn’t expect to be the winner! I have been looking forward to reading this book, though, ever since you first started talking about writing it. I’ll be reading it aloud to my family–we love to read historical fiction together.

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