Leave a comment about someone who did something nice for you! You will be entered into the drawing for a free copy of Voices of Syria. Comments may be posted on the blog or under the Facebook feed.
Have I mentioned the people who came and helped me landscape and vandal-proof my mini barn? They were a great blessing.
And my uncle LaVerne, a mechanic, took time out of his day to check my tires tosee if they needed to be replaced. I just don’t trust the people at the tire store! (Didn’t get a picture of him. Bother.)
And then there’s my neighbor Mary who always takes a moment to give me good advice and encouragement. Love her!
And the two little people she’s raising right now…
A few people already left comments on the previous blog about someone who blesse them. Those comments will be entered into the drawing as well.
43 thoughts on “Giveaway- New Release”
When I was in VS, my car needed a new battery. I went to the mechanic shop to pay for it and he proceeds to tell me that someone already paid the bill! I was shocked! And utterly grateful! Besides that, I love your writing style. I’ve just started nursing school and devour your stories! Blessings to you as you work on your Bachelor’s!
Thanks! And that’s a great story!
It was 10 pm after a day of being stretched thin and wanting nothing more then my recliner, or better yet, my bed. I still had to make a breakfast casserole for a promised birthday brunch the next morning for a busy mom. My good friend and housemate grabbed a bowl and started cracking eggs and measuring milk. It warmed my heart and concreted the fact that it doesn’t take great acts of service to warm a heart and lighten a load. Small things done with great love wins the day every time!
So true!
I was in a Christian bookstore buying a book for my mom’s birthday gift when a lady gave me a 50% off coupon. She wasn’t planning on using it so she gave it to me.
That’s cool!
I was having a long two days, where things were not going as expected, and at the end of the second day I received a package in the mail. It was a calendar from Cornerstone Boys and Girls club – I had just seen that they had made one and they were for sale, and one of my friends decided to send one to me! 🙂
And, Myra you have won the book! And your friend who you did not name. I will message you for details!
So cool!
Several years ago my husband’s work hours had been unexpectedly cut, yet expenses continued. We had stopped at a drugstore because we needed a phone card. He, I, and Worry stood in front of the card display trying to calculate which one would be the best deal. Or would the cost be less if we recharged our old card? My husband headed for the checkout counter to ask the clerk. But she was even more confused than we were. Then a lady who had stepped into line asked my husband, “Excuse me, did I hear you say that you use phone cards?” He replied that we do. She then told him that she no longer uses them because she has plenty of minutes on her cell phone; would we want her old cards? Well, yes, if she was sure she didn’t need them. … Well, we were stunned–and thankful to God–that a stranger would offer such a gift. Later we discovered that those two cards had enough minutes on them to last us half a year or more. God had used a kind stranger to not only fulfill that need, but to remind me–once again–not to worry. He had taken care of us hitherto, and He would continue to meet each need.
Wow! What a story!
A mom of one of my school students offered to pack my lunch last week. I hate packing lunch, and it was enough for 2 meals!
That is a great gift!
Yesterday I decided Mya and I needed something to chase away some blues and grumpiness and so we went to Culvers for ice cream while Stan was hunting. 🙂 We were still quite a way from the door when a young Culvers worker that was just going in for work stopped and held the door and waited. I realized he was waiting for us so we picked up the pace. It really warmed my heart.
This fall I have been overloaded with church projects. I want to be willing, but sometimes I am just TIRED. It made my day when someone hand-wrote a thank you note and put it in my mailbox at church for one project I had been responsible for. Small thing? Sure, but it had a big impact on me.
That’s great and I also applaud your service.
A couple of my sister-in-laws, at different times, have taken the time to come and help restore order to my house and in turn help upright my crazy world before it totally went out of control! I feel blessed to have them as family!
There’s nothing like someone willing to help clean… I just experienced that as well.
I have a neighbor/friend who brought us a homemade pizza over one day for no apparent reason. I could think of many other things to write here but that one stuck out to me in its sweet randomness 😉
That sounds sweet indeed!
My sweet middle boy has finally started hugging n kissing me voluntarily! It’s taken 3 years to get to this point. It thrills me and makes my day every time he does this!!
That’s great Sherri!
Thanking God tonight for friends who are simply available, whether it’s physical help or spiritual. God’s support group is truly awesome to watch in action. We owe so much of who we are to those people God places graciously in our lives where we need to hear from Him in a new way, and see Him through their lives. His hands and feet in flesh and blood to my life.. I’m honored and humbled for the care and love I receive from Him through them.
So true… I just realized recently another person in my life who I realized is an answer to prayer.
This morning a friend stopped over short notice and we visited while the children played. It was so encouraging to have someone think of me and then let me know that they are thinking of me, even if it was just for a few minutes.
Time is so valuable…. it’s wonderful when someone shares theirs!
Last Sunday, my sister and her friend did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen while I spent some time with my youngest siblings. It was a special treat to be free from the dishes for once! (I’m the oldest in my family and have many chances to do dishes!)
That’s great! And I’m proud of your expertise with the dishes. I did quite a few in my day as well 🙂
My neighbor, Fay, is constantly doing nice things for me…offering to babysit my toddler when I’m busy or bringing me food, popping in for coffee and a chat at random times and too many other things to count. If I win the book, I’m giving it to her since she is an avid reader.
Nothing like a neighbor who is also a friend!
Several weeks ago I was blessed with 3 different birthday celebrations all in the same weekend. This blog made me smile because today in history class I taught my fifth graders about modern day Syria. A student mentioned that her family has your book and I said that it would be a great book for our class to get.
Well perhaps you will win this one for them! Happy belated birthday!
Recently life has thrown me some curve balls. Finishing up the last eight weeks of nursing school is exciting, but a bit tiring on top of everything else that has happened in my life. My mother is my prayer warrior and she fights for me. My sister is the one who brings me her delicious hot chocolate for late night studying and when I am just feeling down. A dear sister from church blessed me by taking me out for coffee and speaking words of life and encouragement to me. I am surrounded by so many kind people who I know are praying for me. And that is the most that they could do right now. And God, He is so kind as well, and reminds me daily that He loves me and has a plan for everything to work out for good. He is my exceeding joy in difficult time.
Exceeding joy… I love that, and I love that you are experiencing it in the midst of everything! Best wishes with nursing school…. it is a busy time!
I was at aldi shopping… I ended up in line behind a lady who struck me as Christian, she had such a radiant smile! As I was loading my groceries into my van, she came over to me from clear across the parking lot, and said she’d felt God prompting her to give me the remainder of her cash from her purchase. I was humbled and amazed at her willingness to do what God told her to do…it totally blessed my day! Also, I’m looking forward to your new book… I loved your last one, it made for a perfect gift!!
Wow, what a story. It’s so great to hear of
people listening to God’s voice!
I had a friend help me hang my living room curtains after I washed them and cleaned my living room. I always have a hard time hanging them by myself and getting them to hang right.
It’s the little things that make a difference! 🙂
My niece recently made my day when she gave me some beautiful Indian corn she grew herself… Btw, I finally ordered Faces of Syria a few minutes ago:) God bless! -Heather
Good to know Heather. And I love this time of year… makes me want some Indian corn
This past weekend, after a crazy and unavoidable flurry of activity which could not be avoided, and I still needed to prepare food for our job as hostess at church on Sunday……..a dear friend called and said she had spent all day making food for some family whom she thought was going to be there on Sunday, but their plans fell through, and could I use the food? What an unexpected, providential blessing!!! God amazes me sometimes!
That’s wonderful! Great story!