Fun Food Talk For Your Fourth

Want a great Fourth of July table conversation? I said I might share a photo, and here is one that can spur you on to some fun food talk. My sister sent me a book for my birthday called Food Listography. It is filled with empty pages with titles like these.

Dishes I like. Dishes I dislike. Memorable childhood foods. Ethnic foods I’ve eaten. Burgers I’ve eaten.

Food Listography!

I loved it at first sight. What a great way to enjoy food without eating it!

So, since we have company on Wednesday nights, I decided that whoever shows up at our table needs to contribute to the listography. So far it’s been Marnell and I, Norrell and Chris.

Fun Food Talk Chart:

NameFoods I likeFoods I dislikeMemorable Childhood Foods -Next Week
Marnell cornbread and strawberriessushi
Chrislasagna and morel mushroomschitlins
Norrellribeye steaksauerkraut
Katrinatwist ice cream conered beets

Is anyone permitted to show up at the Wednesday night meal? Sure! But unless you are Norrell or Chris (or Marnell) you need to RSVP at least a few days ahead, since we usually have only about two extra seats. Also, you have to be prepared to participate in fun food talk and provide an entry for Food Listography. Also, you might get quoted on our podcast because we run the recorder in case Chris tells stories. (I see those hands going down!) One last thing – you have to bring homemade cookies along for Chris to take home! (He’s the only one that really needs them.)

By the way – we are also taking a one-week holiday break from Voices of Survival podcast, but on a whim I decided we should throw up the fun food talk recording since Chris is an anchor on the podcast anyway. Since this one won’t have sensitive content* we will share it with everyone on our email list, just to thank you for your patience with the format change.

*Well, least not much sensitive content – we had a little language problem when discussing the chitlins. I haven’t decided whether to cut that or not.

Happy holiday! Enjoy some good food and some fun food talk!


3 thoughts on “Fun Food Talk For Your Fourth”

  1. strawberries and cornbread sounds the best on this warm /sat. P
    Mom would make cornbread with cold milk and sugar sometimes in the summer. I still like it.

    joy eversole

    1. Sorry folks, I forgot to proofread my previous comment and don’t know how to correct it.

      I did have cold and sweet blueberry soup for supper. Joy

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