Days until wedding: 14
Blessings to count:
- Aunt Virginia helping me pick out white wedding poinsettias
- Bridesmaid Kendra bailing me out by making my salad for church tomorrow
- Friend Barb washing all my Tupperware and Pampered Chef shower gifts.
- New job taken in Beacon Home Care
- Co-workers who told me about Varner’s poinsettias.
- The Varner’s greenhouse cats which slink around and hide in boxes or nap on counters with perfect disdain for annoying customers.
- Thai food with my aunt and a great day despite the rain
I’m afraid I’ll be low on lengthy inspirational blogs for the next few weeks. But stay tuned for extra short count-down snippets, as I count blessings and search for beauty while juggling to-do lists and tasks!
And keep in mind, in 14 days, there will be a stretch of silence on my blog 🙂
4 thoughts on “14”
Bless friend barb for washing all those dishes!
I love your Aunt Virginia!!😁