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I was thinking of the danger of being born even before I got the message from my sister last night. Last Sunday morning, I received
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
I was thinking of the danger of being born even before I got the message from my sister last night. Last Sunday morning, I received
I was out pacing the hospital because it was a quiet day, and I needed to get my steps in to neutralize the effect of
My bouquet of roses from Marnell was so stunning, that it was a very great thorn in my flesh to have to go to work
“Can you clean the floor by the locker rooms?” I heard a nurse ask the housekeeper. “There was blood on the bottom of someone’s shoe.”
I was just ready to bite into my freshly toasted English muffin with peanut butter dripping off its warm edges, when I noticed the blue
No, this post is not about romance. I told Marnell that I can’t be writing about him and/or dating all the time. “People like romantic stories,”