The Summer Olympics on Brady Street and other Travels From Home
We haven’t traveled this summer. Visits to church or Dollar Tree max out our resources and organizational skills. But I’ve done a lot of traveling
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
We haven’t traveled this summer. Visits to church or Dollar Tree max out our resources and organizational skills. But I’ve done a lot of traveling
I think both are false. Truth is absolute. There is a balloon in the tree. We stand on truth. But perspective is relative. I might see it, and you might not. We listen to and acknowledge perspective.
Marnell and Chris pronounced it tasty. I’m not sure that I would go that far, but I could go so far as to say it wasn’t bad.
The neighborhood is beginning to simmer, like a long-dormant volcano. Seismic energy erupts through the fissures of society here on Brady Street as the sun shines and the temperatures warm. Children pour out of houses onto trampolines. Neighbors emerge without coats on trash day, and we get to exchange more hellos. It’s easier to park cars along the street because you don’t have to work around the snow piles that never got removed. The rumblings of spring have begun.
Every June, I decide that June is the most beautiful month of the year. Then, October comes. How can I help but change my mind?
But I probably wouldn’t find such rich details out on a ranch in Nevada, or even in a green hayfield. I might even get homesick for Elkhart and its craziness.