As I near the end of my career in heart surgery, for the time at least, it occurs to me that perhaps one reason God
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
As I near the end of my career in heart surgery, for the time at least, it occurs to me that perhaps one reason God
Will I write a blog today? Not really… But, with 28 days of single life left on the calendar, a few photos with my favorite
“What’s a funeral, Dad?” my 3-year-old nephew asked as he snuggled in my living room with his father and his twin brother shortly after getting
Yesterday afternoon I sent Marnell a confession in the form of an email. I am…trying to decide if I have the energy or motivation to do
I was thinking of the danger of being born even before I got the message from my sister last night. Last Sunday morning, I received
“But why would you give me clues if you don’t want me to know?” Marnell asked me this morning at Granma’s House of Pancakes. “Well,