The Inventor of the Inventors
Saturday, 3-2-19 I have a new phone finally, and you know what my favorite feature is? It doesn’t embed shards of glass in my skin.
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Saturday, 3-2-19 I have a new phone finally, and you know what my favorite feature is? It doesn’t embed shards of glass in my skin.
Quite by accident, we picked a three day weekend to be in San Francisco. I mean, I can appreciate having a day to honor presidents.
Coming home from vacation is more or less a bad decision. The less part? Bank account is less. Sleep is less. Memories of a schedule
We stumbled, as I said, out of the Las Vegas airport at 2 am. We climbed the steps of a shuttle which took us to
California, to me, has always been a tall, crooked shape on the map with two states balanced on its head, several more states poking into
I hope Tuesday Tips isn’t misleading, because I need some help from you this time. You might know my affection for surveys, but let me