Two Addicts, a Helpful Friend, and a God Who Can Use Anyone
Marnell’s family has a campout every first of June, which is this weekend. It’s hard to eat healthily while camping, so I evaluated my situation
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Marnell’s family has a campout every first of June, which is this weekend. It’s hard to eat healthily while camping, so I evaluated my situation
Last week, Marnell had a meeting with the church leadership team on Friday night. The schedules of my Laurel Street friends and I actually aligned,
Every Friday morning around 6:30 am, I hear the rumble and screech of the garbage truck as it makes the turn around the corner on
I had an unusual week and didn’t get my blog written. However, here’s a little account of my quiet adventures if you like. I’ve listed
Remember George and Steve? Well. George. I’m just mystified by him. Isn’t it fascinating how there can be people in the world who don’t really
We are doing a book study as a group at church, and it reminded me that I need to carve out more chunks of time