Coronavirus Diary of “THINGS SEEN AND HEARD” with a “Stay At Home” Giveaway
Someday, people will say, “Remember that coronavirus deal in 2020?” Some people won’t remember the details because they didn’t actually record them. Some will remember
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2)
Someday, people will say, “Remember that coronavirus deal in 2020?” Some people won’t remember the details because they didn’t actually record them. Some will remember
While most of the others on the choir tour bus played social games like Rook or MadGab, Cris and I did cross word puzzles. We
So many people recommended taking Vitamin D for depression, that I finally bought a bottle. I took my Vitamin D for a few days, and
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! That’s my answer if you ask me, “While you were feeling depressed, did you take care of yourself physically?”
It’s 6:35 am. Marnell has just left for work, driving away through an inch or two of fresh snow. I have my favorite cup filled